Wednesday, October 30, 2019

DIGITAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

DIGITAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT - Essay Example The paper also demonstrates an overview of the website that supports the cost of projects and schedules their control in a manner that is highly integrated (Cadle & Yeates, 2008). The website will use the object oriented modeling in representing the deliverables of the project. There are collections of control objects that are designed in mapping the project cost control processes. There are 18 website indicators that represent the amount of resources used in every project control object and is used as sensors in highlighting the areas that are associated with their dismal performance. The website uses a server that is designed in implementing the methodology that is developed. The website also has a central database that is used in storing and organizing the project budget and their actual progress data. The website generates a day to day, week to week, monthly and yearly performance of projects that are used in generating the project status at the level of resources used and the control object (Cleland, 2009). Managing time and cost for implementing a project within an international organization is a crucial management function for attaining successful delivery of projects dealing with procurement, construction, and even engineering. Several international charity organizations have designed their website in relation to this. From the past website, it is evident that improvements need to be made on their implementation, development, and design of the project control system. Such areas include the configuration of the project that includes the performance breakdown structure, the generic and standardized, generic earned status reporting and the diagnosis and analysis of the project variance on the website. Additionally, the recommendation section should be incorporated for reasons behind dismal performance and ideas for corrective actions and forecasting the duration and costs of the projects before completion. Consequently, it is important for efficient

Monday, October 28, 2019

Third Reich Essay Example for Free

Third Reich Essay The Nazi rise to power brought an end to the Weimar Republic, a parliamentary democracy established in Germany after World War I. Following the appointment of Adolf Hitler as chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Nazi state (also referred to as the Third Reich) quickly became a regime in which Germans enjoyed no guaranteed basic rights. After a suspicious fire in the Reichstag (the German Parliament), on February 28, 1933, the government issued a decree which suspended constitutional civil rights and created a state of emergency in which official decrees could be enacted without parliamentary confirmation. In the first months of Hitlers chancellorship, the Nazis instituted a policy of coordinationthe alignment of individuals and institutions with Nazi goals. Culture, the economy, education, and law all came under Nazi control. The Nazi regime also attempted to coordinate the German churches and, although not entirely successful, won support from a majority of Catholic and Protestant clergymen. Extensive propaganda was used to spread the regimes goals and ideals. Upon the death of German president Paul von Hindenburg in August 1934, Hitler assumed the powers of the presidency. The army swore an oath of personal loyalty to him. Hitlers dictatorship rested on his position as Reich President (head of state), Reich Chancellor (head of government), and Fuehrer (head of the Nazi party). According to the Fuehrer principle, Hitler stood outside the legal state and determined matters of policy himself. Hitler had the final say in both domestic legislation and German foreign policy. Nazi foreign policy was guided by the racist belief that Germany was biologically destined to expand eastward by military force and that an enlarged, racially superior German population should establish permanent rule in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Here, women played a vital role. The Third Reichs aggressive population policy encouraged racially pure women to bear as many Aryan children as possible. Within this framework, racially inferior peoples, such as Jews and Gypsies, would be eliminated from the region. Nazi foreign policy aimed from the beginning to wage a war of annihilation against the Soviet Union, and the peacetime years of the Nazi regime were spent preparing the German people for war. In the context of this ideological war, the Nazis planned and implemented the Holocaust, the mass murder of the Jews, who were considered the primary racial enemy. Open criticism of the regime was suppressed by the Gestapo (secret state police) and the Security Service (SD) of the Nazi party, but Hitlers government was popular with most Germans. There was, however, some German opposition to the Nazi state, ranging from nonconformity to the attempt to kill Hitler on July 20, 1944. The Allies defeated Nazi Germany and forced a German surrender on May 8, 1945. Further Reading Burleigh, Michael. The Third Reich: A New History. New York: Hill and Wang, 2000.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Symbolism of Colors in The Great Gatsby :: F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

There a several colors used for symbolism in the novel â€Å"The Great Gatsby†. For example the colors BLUE, GREEN, WHITE and YELLOW are used throughout the book. The first time Nick Carraway meets his cousin Daisy Buchanan at Tom’s and Daisy’s home, she was dressed totally in white. So as the house and its furnishings are also tuned in light shades. This fact might be interpreted as: beauty, cleanliness, wealth, innocence, virginity and also laziness. Daisy’s color is white, she wears white dresses and recalls her â€Å"white girlhood†, and this use of color helps her to characterize her as the unattainable â€Å"enchanted princess† who becomes incarnate as Gatsby’ s dream (p.21, l.8-9). The use of a green light at the end of a landing stage to signal a romantic reunion, is intriguingly similar to the green light at the end of Daisy’s Buchanan’ s dock, which becomes key image in â€Å"The Great Gatsby†. The initial appearance of the green light occurs when Carraway sees Gatsby for the first time, standing in front of his mansion and stretching out his arms to ‘a single green light, minute and far away that might have been the end of dock’ (p.22, l 31-33). The light has become, for Gatsby, the symbol of a reunion with Daisy. Green is very significantly associated with both the green light and the â€Å"green breast of the new world†, uniting the hope and promise of Gatsby’ s dream with that of America itself. The color green is traditionally associated with spring, hope and youth. The color blue in â€Å"The Great Gatsby† represents hope for the future. It represents a lost time, a pure color that is overly displayed, a pure color in the valley of ashes. T.J. Eckleburg's eyes are blue, perhaps symbolizing a higher world from which God looks down upon the scene. Tom's car being blue may even represent the relationship between Tom and Daisy, (being unhappy), based on money and not love. Blue also represents fantasy, and is a symbol of a different world. As Gatsby' s lawn is blue, his house is a place where people can go to get away from reality. His parties are out of touch with the real world,

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Computers And Society :: essays research papers

Computers and Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The decade of the 1980's saw an explosion in computer technology and computer usage that deeply changed society. Today computers are a part of everyday life, they are in their simplest form a digital watch or more complexly computers manage power grids, telephone networks, and the money of the world. Henry Grunwald, former US ambassador to Austria best describes the computer's functions, â€Å"It enables the mind to ask questions, find answers, stockpile knowledge, and devise plans to move mountains, if not worlds.† Society has embraced the computer and accepted it for its many powers which can be used for business, education, research, and warfare.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first mechanical calculator, a system of moving beads called the abacus, was invented in Babylonia around 500 BC. The abacus provided the fastest method of calculating until 1642, when the French scientist Pascal invented a calculator made of wheels and cogs. The concept of the modern computer was first outlined in 1833 by the British mathematician Charles Babbage. His design of an analytical engine contained all of the necessary components of a modern computer: input devices, a memory, a control unit, and output devices. Most of the actions of the analytical engine were to be done through the use of punched cards. Even though Babbage worked on the analytical engine for nearly 40 years, he never actually made a working machine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1889 Herman Hollerith, an American inventor, patented a calculating machine that counted, collated, and sorted information stored on punched cards. His machine was first used to help sort statistical information for the 1890 United States census. In 1896 Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to produce similar machines. In 1924, the company changed its name to International Business Machines Corporation. IBM made punch-card office machinery that dominated business until the late 1960s, when a new generation of computers made the punch card machines obsolete.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first fully electronic computer used vacuum tubes, and was so secret that its existence was not revealed until decades after it was built. Invented by the English mathematician Alan Turing and in 1943, the Colossus was the computer that British cryptographers used to break secret German military codes. The first modern general-purpose electronic computer was ENIAC or the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. Designed by two American engineers, John Mauchly and Presper Eckert, Jr., ENIAC was first used at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The invention of the transistor in 1948 brought about a revolution in computer development, vacuum tubes were replaced by small transistors that generated little heat and functioned perfectly as switches. Another big breakthrough in computer miniaturization came in 1958, when Jack Kilby designed Computers And Society :: essays research papers Computers and Society   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The decade of the 1980's saw an explosion in computer technology and computer usage that deeply changed society. Today computers are a part of everyday life, they are in their simplest form a digital watch or more complexly computers manage power grids, telephone networks, and the money of the world. Henry Grunwald, former US ambassador to Austria best describes the computer's functions, â€Å"It enables the mind to ask questions, find answers, stockpile knowledge, and devise plans to move mountains, if not worlds.† Society has embraced the computer and accepted it for its many powers which can be used for business, education, research, and warfare.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first mechanical calculator, a system of moving beads called the abacus, was invented in Babylonia around 500 BC. The abacus provided the fastest method of calculating until 1642, when the French scientist Pascal invented a calculator made of wheels and cogs. The concept of the modern computer was first outlined in 1833 by the British mathematician Charles Babbage. His design of an analytical engine contained all of the necessary components of a modern computer: input devices, a memory, a control unit, and output devices. Most of the actions of the analytical engine were to be done through the use of punched cards. Even though Babbage worked on the analytical engine for nearly 40 years, he never actually made a working machine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1889 Herman Hollerith, an American inventor, patented a calculating machine that counted, collated, and sorted information stored on punched cards. His machine was first used to help sort statistical information for the 1890 United States census. In 1896 Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to produce similar machines. In 1924, the company changed its name to International Business Machines Corporation. IBM made punch-card office machinery that dominated business until the late 1960s, when a new generation of computers made the punch card machines obsolete.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first fully electronic computer used vacuum tubes, and was so secret that its existence was not revealed until decades after it was built. Invented by the English mathematician Alan Turing and in 1943, the Colossus was the computer that British cryptographers used to break secret German military codes. The first modern general-purpose electronic computer was ENIAC or the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator. Designed by two American engineers, John Mauchly and Presper Eckert, Jr., ENIAC was first used at the University of Pennsylvania in 1946.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The invention of the transistor in 1948 brought about a revolution in computer development, vacuum tubes were replaced by small transistors that generated little heat and functioned perfectly as switches. Another big breakthrough in computer miniaturization came in 1958, when Jack Kilby designed

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Effects of Media on Adolescents

Effects of the Media on Adolescents Effects of the Media on Adolescents Sex and the secular lifestyle, seems to be the biggest selling industry on the marked, next to electronics; however has its fair share of effects on the adolescents of today. The media identifies or portrays the act of sexuality as the norm. The average television show often shows young girls being flirtatious, performing sexual acts, and disrespecting their parents. The media often display young men as sexual predators, acting like horn dogs, pressuring the girls for sex. Homosexuality is now more prevalent in the media, as other aspects of sexuality are. The good thing about the media and its advanced sexual content is that it helps to educate the youths about what is out there in these streets, such as sexually transmitted diseases, sexual predators, and how to deal with people such as homosexuals; who might be considered different. With the exposure to this type of media, the adolescents will be more aware and better equipped to deal with the situations that the might face while growing up. On the other hand, others may disagree with sexuality being so prevalent in the media. On the down side, too much sexual exposure may influence the youths to be more eager, and ready to participate in such acts. Even a young boy may think that the men they see dominating and assaulting women are cool, because of the level of control and power the men assume when the commit rape. It is very difficult to determine what may happen from viewing or listening to sexual media, so its best that some material be limited to the a specific age group; hence the rating on certain films. The media portrayal of sexuality was a big influence on me growing up. Being born on the Island of Jamaica, I grew up with a strong Christian background; loaded with good teachings of how to live with thy neighbor. So treating others as good as I would like to be treated, and honoring the commandments was my guide. However, the Island is also known for its culture of dancing carnival and whining, which are very sexual displays; also reggae music is either roots and culture or usually sexual lyrics. Along with the music, most parents or grandparents usually tell their children, that they know they might be growing pubic hair, but they are still children, and must respect their elders. As a child we could not watch any movies with sex scene, not even kissing, and public television had more fighting omitted romantic scenes. Though we understood sexuality, being limited to its exposure, in my opinion, helped to maintain a safer and less sexual environment, because we were less exposed to sex and more exposed to dancing dirty and fine art. Overall, the media can be good and it can be bad. It is for the parents and adults of today, to help censor some of the things that’s in the media as we deem fit for our youths and their households. At the end of the day, each home differs and people may react differently to the same type of exposure. I am more for less sexuality in the media, because the less a child knows about a certain thing, the less they will explore it. Eventually they will know it, but it will happen over time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Leadership Secrets Of Attlia The Hun

â€Å"Leadership Secrets of Attila the hun† The book â€Å"Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun,† is about a man name Attila who centuries ago turned groups of tribal nomads into one of the greatest fighting nation of the ancient world. He achieved all this by utilizing his win-directed, take-charge leadership skills. Throughout the book Attila the Hun shares 16 secrets to his chieftains he learned within his life to better manage and lead their tribe of warriors. Even though Attila and his theories on leadership are from the prehistoric time they still hold strong relevance in modern day management and leadership. In this book report I will further explore how a few of Attila secrets may or may not apply in the today’s broadcasting workplace. Attila (406-53 AD) was a member of the ruling family of the Huns, a barbaric nation of loosely bound tribes in perpetual migration. At the young age of 12 years old he was sent to Rome and held hostage in the Roman court. There he gained much knowledge of Roman polices and military which helped mold him in to the leader he became. Being held captive there he developed a strong hatred for Rome that fueled his later ambitions to conquer the world and ultimately overthrow Rome. A short time after returning to his tribe he became king of the Huns and began creating a nation with a common goal, to conquer the world. By 451 AD Attila’s Hunnish army of barbarians consisted of 700,000 warriors ready to take on Rome. Unfortunately when the time came, Attila had to retreat because the barbarians, who where unskilled in infantry tactics, were not going to be able to defeat Rome. Attila soon turned all his energy and great leadership skills to make the necessary changes in his military to ensure that next they will conquer Rome. The Huns returned to Rome â€Å"not as blundering savages but as well-equipped and –disciplined army skillful in the execution of military movement,†(Roberts 9). ... Free Essays on Leadership Secrets Of Attlia The Hun Free Essays on Leadership Secrets Of Attlia The Hun â€Å"Leadership Secrets of Attila the hun† The book â€Å"Leadership Secrets of Attila the Hun,† is about a man name Attila who centuries ago turned groups of tribal nomads into one of the greatest fighting nation of the ancient world. He achieved all this by utilizing his win-directed, take-charge leadership skills. Throughout the book Attila the Hun shares 16 secrets to his chieftains he learned within his life to better manage and lead their tribe of warriors. Even though Attila and his theories on leadership are from the prehistoric time they still hold strong relevance in modern day management and leadership. In this book report I will further explore how a few of Attila secrets may or may not apply in the today’s broadcasting workplace. Attila (406-53 AD) was a member of the ruling family of the Huns, a barbaric nation of loosely bound tribes in perpetual migration. At the young age of 12 years old he was sent to Rome and held hostage in the Roman court. There he gained much knowledge of Roman polices and military which helped mold him in to the leader he became. Being held captive there he developed a strong hatred for Rome that fueled his later ambitions to conquer the world and ultimately overthrow Rome. A short time after returning to his tribe he became king of the Huns and began creating a nation with a common goal, to conquer the world. By 451 AD Attila’s Hunnish army of barbarians consisted of 700,000 warriors ready to take on Rome. Unfortunately when the time came, Attila had to retreat because the barbarians, who where unskilled in infantry tactics, were not going to be able to defeat Rome. Attila soon turned all his energy and great leadership skills to make the necessary changes in his military to ensure that next they will conquer Rome. The Huns returned to Rome â€Å"not as blundering savages but as well-equipped and –disciplined army skillful in the execution of military movement,†(Roberts 9). ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Research Proposal Topics #038; Ideas

Research Proposal Topics #038; Ideas The research paper is a kind of work that is aimed at studying a specific issue or question. The research proposal is the text that represents and justifies exploration of the specific topic. The main goal of such paper is to prove the necessity of the theme studying and its importance for education. A professor, who also adds all details and instruction regarding writing the paper, mainly defines the topic for the research proposal. However, choosing a topic yourself can become a challenge for a student due to the variety of issues and aspects to analyze. The following list includes interesting and specific topics that can be used while writing a research proposal. Topics and Ideas for a Research Proposal Effect of Obesity on Human Health This topic is curious to explore due to its importance in modern society. Various experts conducted researches regarding the impact of particular food and lifestyle on a human body. The research proposal on this topic should be based on statistical and scientific data regarding obesity. For example, such work can state the problem of children obesity and methods of dealing with it. The Problem of Animal Testing The problem of animal testing is quite a topical issue of discussion currently. A lot of famous brands and companies are prohibiting animal testing in order to protect the rights of animals and produce ethical production. The research proposal should depict the importance of the topic, concentrate attention on its recent recognition, and represent contributions of different states to the issue and companies that do not test their products on animals. The Role of Technology in Education Modern technological progress provides improved conditions for education and different kinds of academic activity. Of course, different experts define the advantages and disadvantages of technologies in education. The research proposal on this topic should include an explanation of tech use in the sphere of education, its positive and negative impact on students, and the importance of technological skills for students. Influence of Social Media on Children Social media and networks are considered the tools for socialization and communication for children. However, experts are concerned about the problem of addiction and time wasting in using social media by children. Such aspects as the importance of the issue, its popularity nowadays, the problems it causes, and benefits of social media use should be included in the research proposal on the topic. Anthropogenic Factor in Global Warming Numerous experts study the problem of global warming defining the influential role of the human in the development of this problem. The research proposal can be based on the description of the damaging activity of people that can make an impact on the environment. Besides, it is important to show the historical development of the anthropogenic factor and describe the modern tendencies of global warming. The Theory of Overpopulation in Modern Studies The problem of human overpopulation developed in interconnection with limited capacities of the environment and the increasing amount of people on the planet. This problem is quite disputable and controversial due to different approaches to the issue. The research proposal on the topic of overpopulation should explain the concept of overpopulation and define problems connected with the development of the phenomenon. The Problem of Moral Standards in TV Shows Modern TV often shows controversially represent traditional moral standards of human society. Besides, there are different approaches to this problem because experts provide a specific evaluation for every TV show. The research proposal should define the topicality of this issue, its spreading in modern media, and the importance of morality as a part of different TV shows. Can Online Sources of Information Replace Newspapers? There are more than 4 billion active users of the Internet in 2018 that often refuse reading printed newspapers. It is comfortable for people to read news online because of the constant information update. The stated topic is quite controversial because there are people that prefer printed press to online sources and vice versa. The research proposal on the topic should represent the problem and its current importance. Enactment of Gun Control Laws The problem of gun control is topical for the society of the United States due to numerous problems connected with the aspect. This issue is connected with personal safety and comfort, and with public security because guns can be used for both protection and attack. Such aspects as an explanation of the problem, provision of its national specifications, and determination of its role should be included in the research paper proposal. The Idea of the World without Wars This problem is connected with the sphere of idealistic philosophy of international relations offered by Immanuel Kant. The importance of the topic refers to its possible influence on different conflicting states and regions with a high number of conflicts. The research proposal paper should be based on the explanation of this concept, consideration of main approaches, and its implementation for the modern international community. The Problem of Violence against Children Different psychologists trying to develop techniques for dealing with violence against children study this issue. The research proposal paper can include a depiction of the problem, various approaches to the problem, and possible ways of its solution. The topic is crucial because attitude to children in families often becomes the reason for their inability to socialize. Dealing with Mental Breakdowns This topic should include consideration of how to deal with mental breakdowns and how to treat people with mental breakdowns. The research proposal paper should convince the professor that the issue of mental breakdowns is essential to investigate in order to treat such people and assist them in returning to a normal life. The research proposal can also include the evolution of the mental breakdown concept and problem solutions. The Effectiveness of Self-driving Cars Self-driving cars are becoming more and more popular among influential companies. The key goal of such cars is to make the lives of people more comfortable and transportation quicker. The problem of self-driving cars invention, the popularity of such cars, and tendencies or risks of the sphere development can be included in the research proposal paper. The Future of Artificial Intelligence The modern development of artificial intelligence provides extensive opportunities for technological progress. The research proposal paper should include a description of the technology development and its impact on the future of the humankind. Artificial intelligence is quite a controversial issue due to different risks and problems connected with work in the sphere. The Roots of Antisemitism The problem of antisemitism brought many historical challenges for Jewish people. Nowadays this ideology still exists; thus, it is essential to consider this problem from different point of views. The research paper should include an explanation of the ideology and its main concepts, the history of its development and the most famous followers of antisemitism ideas. The Greek Culture Influence on the Ancient World The development of Greek culture determined the state of the general culture of the ancient world. The culture of this country is considered to be valuable because of the variety of artifacts and achievements. The research proposal paper should establish interconnections between Greek culture and the cultures of other countries. Influence of Pop Culture Trends Modern pop culture is represented by various trends and tendencies that are supported by whole communities. Variety of such trends is impressive, and it is impressive to explore its influence on society. Such aspects as specifications of pop culture trends, the popularity of such ideas, and their influence on different communities should be included in the research proposal paper. Ethical Dilemmas in Business Activity The problem of moral dilemmas is topical for different spheres of human activities due to the necessity to make quick and effective decisions. Business activity is connected with different ethical dilemmas because of financial issues and the decision-making process. The research paper proposal should include a description of fundamental ethical dilemmas and the importance of these issues influence on business. Leadership Strategies in Business Management and leadership strategies determine the efficiency of the business. The modern theory of leadership represents different strategies and tactics of teamwork that are aimed at the organization of effective work. Explanation of leadership strategies importance, the role of such ideas for an effective leader, and the variety of such strategies should be a part of the research proposal paper. Causes of WWII A wide range of reasons stand behind WWII, which initiated many devastations all over the world. The research proposal paper should be based on facts and arguments, which are considered to be reasons for WWII. Investigation of such topic is significant for historical memory and experience aimed at avoidance of the same occasions in international relations. Conclusion The research proposal paper is considered the basis for a future research paper on the topic. A student can choose one of the topics and make it more specific or narrow. Besides, the research paper should be written accurately and specifically like any academic work in order to provide all significant details regarding the problem. Writing the research proposal paper, the student should remember that the text should be well structured and well developed. The primary aim of such paper is to prove the importance of the issue investigation and provide a short outline for writing further paper.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Collect and Plant an Acorn to Grow an Oak Tree

Collect and Plant an Acorn to Grow an Oak Tree Beginning as early as late August and continuing through December, various species of oak acorns are maturing and ripening for collection. Ripening dates vary from year to year and from state to state by as much as three to four weeks, making it difficult to use actual dates to determine maturity. The best time to collect acorns, either off the tree or from the ground, is when they begin falling- just that simple. Prime picking is late September through the first week in November, depending on oak tree species and location within the United States. This tree seed called an acorn is perfect when plump and the cap removes easily. Collecting and Storing Acorns The height of the acorn crop above the ground and the forest understory below can make it very difficult for the casual collector to gather large numbers of acorns in a forest setting. Lawns or paved areas help in collecting acorns if trees are found and prepared before site conditions degrade the nut. Locate open-grown trees that are heavily loaded with acorns and are in or adjacent to parking lots such as at churches or schools. Trees selected in this way also make identifying the acorns species easier. Always identify the tree and place tags or mark the bags so you will know what species you have collected. To store acorns for future planting, put them in a polyethylene plastic bag- a wall thickness of four to ten millimeters is best- with damp peat mix or sawdust. These bags are ideal for storing acorns since they are permeable to carbon dioxide and oxygen but impermeable to moisture. Close the bag loosely and store in the refrigerator at 40 degrees (white oaks can still sprout at between 36 and 39 degrees). Check acorns throughout the winter and keep just barely damp. Red oak acorns need about 1000 hours of cold or about 42 days. Planting these acorns in late April of the following season gives you the best success but can be planted later. Preparing for Planting The two most critical components of caring for acorns that are to be planted are: not allowing the acorns to dry out over an extended period of timenot allowing the acorns to heat up. Acorns will lose their ability to germinate very quickly if allowed to dry out. Keep acorns in the shade as you collect them, and put them in your refrigerator as soon as possible if not planting immediately. Dont freeze acorns. Immediate planting should be limited to the white oak species group including white, bur, chestnut and swamp oak. Red oak species group acorns must be planted in the second season- meaning the following spring. Special Instructions White Oak  acorns mature in one season- the season of collection. White oak acorns do not exhibit seed dormancy and will start to germinate very soon after maturing and falling to the ground. You can plant these acorns immediately or refrigerate for later planting. Red Oak  acorns mature in two seasons. The red oak group has to have some seed dormancy and generally does not germinate until the following spring and with some stratification (a cooling period). If stored properly and kept damp, these red oak acorns can be held in cold storage for planting in late April through early summer. Germinating and Potting After determining the proper time to plant, you should select the best-looking acorns (plump and rot-free) and place those in some  loose potting soil in one-gallon pots or deeper containers. The taproot will grow quickly to the bottom of containers and root width is not as important. Containers should have holes in the bottom to allow for drainage. Place acorns on their sides at a depth of one-half to the width size of the acorn. Keep the soil moist but aerated. Keep the pots from freezing. Transplanting Dont allow an oak seedling’s tap root to grow out of the container bottom and into the soil below. This will break the taproot. If possible, seedlings should be transplanted as soon as the first leaves open and become firm but before extensive root development occurs.​ The planting hole should be twice as wide and deep as the pot and root ball. Carefully remove the root ball. Gently set the root ball in the hole with the root crown at the level of the soil surface. Fill the hole with soil, firmly tamp and soak.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global legal realism as commonsense Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global legal realism as commonsense - Assignment Example rd, it is worth noting that the Western legal system largely emanated from the canon and Roman Laws, some of which are inconsistent with the global legal realism of the contemporary world. Besides, the Western academic legal culture addresses the theory of morals from a positivist, state-oriented, unempirical, secular, and Universalist approach. Evidently, Western legal education, culture, and systems are too liberal to form the core of comparative literature and law (Bermann, Glenn, Scheppele, Shalakany, Snyder, & Zoller 2011, pp. 935-968). This paper takes a critical view of comparative law and literature as it relates to the Western legal systems and the comparative impact of Western legal systems on legal realism from a global perspective. Comparative law entails the study of the similarities and differences of legal systems belonging to different countries. In essence, comparative study deals with the laws of various countries as well as the legal systems that exist in the world, including regional and international legal systems. Some of the legal systems under comparative law include the Jewish Law, Hindu law, Common Law, Chinese law, Civil law, Islamic Law, and Socialist Law (Bermann, Glenn, Scheppele, Shalakany, Snyder, & Zoller 2011, pp. 935-968). On the other hand, comparative literature entails the study of the differences and similarities of global literatures, how such literatures relate to one another. It essentially means that comparative law and literature ought to derive equal sense from all the components that it studies. Since international law and literature is dynamic, political, and economic forces tend to determine which ones to be given more credence (Ingram 2014, pp. 237-267). Unlike the previous centuries when comparative law and literature involved the comparison of all legal systems and literatures of the world without favouring the dominance of one system or the other (Zumbansen 2011, pp. 427-433). However, times have changed and the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Controversial Planning Decisions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Controversial Planning Decisions - Case Study Example This shift has created tremendous ramifications for the governance of environmental matters. In this new philosophy, governance of environmental matters is reconceptualised in terms of ‘networks’ and ‘associations’ with which the government has to parley, so as to be effective and gain the favour and support of the citizens and the related stakeholders. As a result, planning decisions made by the government without consulting the relevant stakeholders and policymakers are considered controversial regardless of their intended objectives (Newig and Fritsch, 2009). This system of governance is usually very problematic because even though the government is required by law to make the public and the relevant stakeholders and policymakers aware of its objectives to review their development plans and consult using conferences and documented avenue, citizen and stakeholder involvement in planning decisions pertaining to the environment remains negligible (Callanan, 2005; Flynn, 2003) In the contemporary world, planning decisions pertaining to the environment are accompanied by a myriad of controversial issues. Controversial issues pertaining to environmental planning decisions usually revolve around fairness, ethics, and the manner in which evidence is used in coming up with environmental decisions and regulations. In the UK, current controversial environmental planning decisions manifest themselves in two events which are going to be critically examined in this paper. The first event is the decision, which was made by the UK’s Secretary of State, declared that thirty two hectares of an ancient woodland be wiped out to enable the expansion of an existing rag-stone mine. . The second thing is the revelations that were identified in a meeting that was held by representatives from the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development to deliberate on issues pertaining to environmentally sustainable development.  Ã‚  

Contemporary factors that contribute to sustaining stereotypes and Essay

Contemporary factors that contribute to sustaining stereotypes and prejudice against women's leadership - Essay Example Culture is a factor that contributes substantially to the persistence of the prejudice against women leadership. As such, Klenke (2011) posits that societal values continue to build negative perceptions towards women’s leadership. The idea of constraining women to the home environment is still influential. The society observes that women have a compromised leadership because their social responsibilities bind them tightly. Mainly men are more liberal since they have less social duties. Therefore, the society holds that their leadership is strong because they stand a chance of availing their full potentials in their positions. Additionally, some traditional ideologies fuel the stereotypic attitudes by predetermining men and women duties. As such, tradition assigns women simple careers like nursing, cleaning and child nurturing while careers viewed complex remains a reserve of men (Klenke, 2011). This means women can never be trusted with critical positions even if they exude distinct competencies or capabilities. Such perceptions have made men continue dominating top managements. Consequently, ideas built by these factors have led to proliferation of numerous subtle forms that challenges women’s career. Initially, women hardly earn promotions since the community view men to be confident, and with strong career orientation. As such, they are granted promotions confidently. Therefore, women’s career route tends to be still at some levels due to lack of promotions (Klenke, 2011). Furthermore, women receive little support for developing their careers. Many donors and organizations fund men; as opposed, to women since they are associated with poor. In conclusion, women continue to face extensive challenges in their career course. Values advocated by the society through culture and traditions have corrupted people’s minds hence leading to resistance. Unless the society understands the influential effects exerted by the cultural and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Dominican Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dominican Republic - Essay Example Such news includes stories portraying the negativity of Haitians and their poor way of life. This negative depiction of Haitians plays a major role in instilling antihaitinismo among the Dominican people. Haiti’s politics is portrayed as bad and viewed as a political failure by the Dominican press. All the media wants is negative news about Haiti so as to make great headlines and, as a result, make money by attracting many readers. Political cartoons are very common in print media and are used to give news that are hard to spread in words. Such news is greatly exaggerated to come up with cartoons that will be attractive enough for news consumers among the Dominican People. The negative news portraying antihaitinismo in the Dominican Republic is mostly false, but due to the media restriction within the Dominican Republic, the Dominican people tend to believe it to be true. In fact, very few Dominican reporters know the truth about Haiti. The rest only give news based on seconda ry sources, rather than firsthand experience or sources. None of them has been to Haiti to experience their way of life and to give a true account of it (Sagas, 2003). During the Trujillo error, antihaitinismo was an ideology, fitting the totalitarian model. The dictatorship required and ideology to dwell on, and on which to misguide the people and into hating the Haitians. The Trujillo error molded antihaitinismo into a system that was to be loathed. It was depicted as having a very great difference with Dominican ways. This propaganda against Haiti was instilled into Dominicans for decades, around thirty-one years.It means that, some people were born among the Dominican people when the propaganda was still on and lived a great part of their lives under a dictatorship that instilled it into them.It created a nation that had fully embraced antihaitinismo. Such a generation becomes hard to modify their mindset or view towards

No Child Left Behind Act Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

No Child Left Behind Act - Research Paper Example One such act which relates vehemently the inclusive educational system is the famous act of No child Left Behind Act of 2001 in passed by the then American President George W. Bush. The paper will seek to analyse the social, economic and political status that led to the development of the act. Social status associated with the NCLB Act The national Commission on Excellence in Education in the year 1981 was vested upon the responsibility to review as well as synthesize literature and scholarly data in order to assess the then quality of teaching as well as educational standards in both the public as well as the private sector with a special emphasis on the educational experiences of the teen age youth. The report investigations revealed significant information among which the most important which can be stated here is that around 17% of all the 17 years old children in the United States of America was considered as functionally illiterate with the percentage of the minority youths rea ching as high as 40 percent. Areas of faults were conjectured in the poor performances in important subjects like English, Physics, mathematics as well as in verbal communications. There was also deterioration in the academic achievements owing to the racial and ethnic differences as well. The findings and the report concentrated on the weaknesses of the approaches of content, expectations, time and teaching. Thus identification of these parameters let the government to drive its focus on the movement towards a standard based educational system which came up in the forefront with the passage of Improving America’s Schools Act of 1994 (IASA). The IASA along with the following implementation of the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, the ESEA focused on the ensuring of the needs of all the students including the disadvantaged students along with the children who were vulnerable to the risk of school. In the mid 1980s, the testing industry saw a major shift towards standard based h igh stake assessments as one of the most necessary components of the standard based reforms. There was also a shift in the expectations of the marketplace as well. Within the span of 1994-2000, majority of the states in America enhanced standards of the contents, standards of performance and so on. The states also demanded the minimization of the time lag between the testing and the receipt of the score reports (Jorgenson & Hoffman, 2003, pp. 1-5). The test scores as an indicator of the actual achievement of the students started to become implemented in the reality and along with that the notion of social justice was also attached to the implementation motive. Thus a wave of establishing a new law made the lawmakers rethink and establish a new law with various threshold standards set for the purpose of introduction to inclusive education as well as focus on the delivery of social justice (Robicheau, 2006, pp. 2-3). Within such a social backdrop, on January 8, 2002, American Presiden t George W. Bush declared the law of No Child Left Behind Act which was directed towards the establishment of absolute clarity towards the value, use as well as the importance of the achievement of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dominican Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dominican Republic - Essay Example Such news includes stories portraying the negativity of Haitians and their poor way of life. This negative depiction of Haitians plays a major role in instilling antihaitinismo among the Dominican people. Haiti’s politics is portrayed as bad and viewed as a political failure by the Dominican press. All the media wants is negative news about Haiti so as to make great headlines and, as a result, make money by attracting many readers. Political cartoons are very common in print media and are used to give news that are hard to spread in words. Such news is greatly exaggerated to come up with cartoons that will be attractive enough for news consumers among the Dominican People. The negative news portraying antihaitinismo in the Dominican Republic is mostly false, but due to the media restriction within the Dominican Republic, the Dominican people tend to believe it to be true. In fact, very few Dominican reporters know the truth about Haiti. The rest only give news based on seconda ry sources, rather than firsthand experience or sources. None of them has been to Haiti to experience their way of life and to give a true account of it (Sagas, 2003). During the Trujillo error, antihaitinismo was an ideology, fitting the totalitarian model. The dictatorship required and ideology to dwell on, and on which to misguide the people and into hating the Haitians. The Trujillo error molded antihaitinismo into a system that was to be loathed. It was depicted as having a very great difference with Dominican ways. This propaganda against Haiti was instilled into Dominicans for decades, around thirty-one years.It means that, some people were born among the Dominican people when the propaganda was still on and lived a great part of their lives under a dictatorship that instilled it into them.It created a nation that had fully embraced antihaitinismo. Such a generation becomes hard to modify their mindset or view towards

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Consumption of the us Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Consumption of the us - Research Paper Example It is important to understand the impacts caused by United States top leadership in the country’s economy. This is of importance knowing the current economical position of US where fears of recession are evidently delayed often. The result will adopt an econometric approach. This entails description of all the estimation techniques used, the data set and the regression model. Later the results got will be used to reject or support the hypothesis that the political relationship of United States president tend to have on their country’s GDP. Finally, several independent tests will be conducted to determine the strength of the model, within which a conclusion of the regression success will be made. Gross Domestic Product is the measure and determinant of national income and output for a given country’s economy over a certain period. It is measure on the total market value of all final services and goods produced in a country over a given period of time (A financial year). The evaluation process of GDP includes the sum of value added at every intermediate stage of all goods and services produced within a country in a given period monetarily. First, it is important to specify that this study use time series data and ordinary least square regression method of data estimation. Through excel a set of parameters will be evaluated, from which a line of best fit will be obtained. The regression model is developed using figures from 2004 to 2013, which contains enough information of the number of president who have been in office and it has also been the time of global and United States years of Financial crisis. Both the democrats and republicans have shared a time in the presidential seat during this period. This offers an even basis of analysis. Y is the dependent variable, which for the intention of this paper is the going to the growth rate in US GDP over the chosen period (2004 to 2013). The data used was obtained from Economic report of the president,

Watson and the reader Essay Example for Free

Watson and the reader Essay A red herring for the police, which again showed that Mrs Maloney could never kill Patrick, was the fact that she was pregnant and they were about to have a baby together so why would she ant to kill Patrick? Mrs Maloney is always leading the blame of herself. This is totally different to The speckled band because Dr Roylott comes to visit Holmes and is aggressive, violent and out of control which is making Holmes, Watson and the reader that he is capable of killing someone. In the Lamb to the slaughter it is doing exactly the opposite and making the police and the reader think that is wouldnt be able to do such a thing. Another occasion where she is leading the police away from her is when she says I hope you catch him. Again its putting the blame on to a totally different person. I hope you catch him.  After we had looked at the clues and red herrings in both stories in great detail we began to compare the different methods of investigation in both stories.  When we looked at The speckled band I noticed that Holmes was very observant in his investigations. Holmes examines every minor detail with great care and does it more than once. He doesnt have any scientific equipment all he has is a magnify glass. Holmes makes all the decisions whereas Watson follows him and does as he says. Sherlock suspects everyone and everything and relies on his instinct, all this brings him closer to the villain. For example, when he is looking at the Stoke Moran place he looks in great detail at everything especially Dr Roylotts room and that brings him to the conclusion that the doctor is involved, the iron safe, the milk, the dog lash and the chair with foot prints on. When he talks to Helen he makes her go over the story a few times and asks her questions on it and he makes sure he has got the full story and got it correct. Holmes has solved many cases even though he has little technology, he has solved over seventy cases. Sherlock uses methods of deduction like I have mentioned, milk, lash, vent, and bell rope and so on.  Sherlock discovers motive and method using precise investigation. Holmes causes the murders death by setting the snake back to the doctors room after it has been hit. Dr Roylott is killed and punished and Holmes has saved Helen Stoner, Holmes has saved the day and everyone is happy. After we has examined The speckled band we looked at the methods of investigation in Lamb to the slaughter they were quite the opposite. In The speckled band Holmes only had himself and a magnify glass whereas in Lamb to the slaughter the police force had forensic scientists, photographers and a lot of men to help with the murder.  First a doctor, then two detectives. Later, a police photographer arrived and took pictures, and a man who knew about fingerprints. In this way they could get time of death, have more accurate tests and they could do a post-mortem. The speckled band and Lamb to the slaughter did have a similarity because both detectives searched the house for clues but in Lamb to the slaughter they we unsuccessful unlike Sherlock Holmes. The police force did not really investigate Mrs Maloney, which isnt very professional. In Lamb to the slaughter the police questioned more people than just Mrs Maloney, for example, the green grocer. In The speckled band Holmes didnt ask anyone else and managed to solve the case but the police in Lamb to the slaughter didnt find the murderer. In Lamb to the slaughter the police get to examine the body and dont solve the case whereas Holmes doesnt get that opportunity but still solves the case. The police take some alcoholic drink from Mrs Maloney and then eat the murder weapon. This is very wrong and very unprofessional, and once they have eaten the meat, (murder weapon), they have no chance of solving the case. Holmes and Watson would never do this and they are very professional and take their job very serious. At the end of Lamb to the slaughter the police do not find the murder weapon when it is right under their noses and Holmes finds out what has killed Julia and he didnt know what he was looking for. When Holmes was investigating there was a lot of red herrings for him. In Lamb to the slaughter there are few and they know what kind of instrument killed Patrick. Her husband, he told her, had been killed by a blow on the back of the head administered with a heavy blunt instrument.  If Sherlock Holmes were on Detective Maloneys case he probably would have solved the case because he would look very carefully at the evidence and observe every minor detail. Holmes would have carefully observed Mrs Maloneys actions and mood like he did in The speckled band with Helen Stoner. Also Holmes would have never eaten or drank anything. It might have taken Holmes and Watson longer but I think he would have solved the case in the end. The two stories, The speckled band and Lamb to the slaughter have totally different settings. In The speckled band it is set in the nineteenth century and Helen, Julia and Dr Roylott live in a large house isolated in the countryside. Helen, Julia and the Doctor each have there separate rooms. They are of the upper class. You can tell this because the house is very large and you can even tell by the name, Stoke Moran.  I am Dr Grimsby Roylott, of Stoke Moran. Only three people lived in the house before Julia died. Although Dr Roylott was of the upper class he didnt have a lot of money, which is the main reason why he murdered Julia and tried to murder Helen.  Because it was set in the nineteenth century the transports was much different too nowadays because a car was not a popular as they are today. People had to travel by train and dogcart, which are much slower, compared to the transport in the twentieth century.  You could tell that Dr Roylott was of the upper class because of the way he dressed. He costume was a peculiar mixture of the professional and agricultural, having a black top hat, a long frock-coat, and a pair of high gaiters, with a hunting crop swinging in his hand.  As you can see from this quote he dressed professionally but how he wanted. Only the high class would dress to this standard.  Dr Roylott, Helen and Julia were not very sociable. You know this because in the story they live in an isolated place, in the country, and nobody likes to get into Dr Roylott way because he is a fierce man and a violent one. You know that the doctor is a violent man because he has a past record of throwing a blacksmith into a stream. Last week he hurled the local blacksmith over a parapet into a stream.  We then looked at the settings, location and the social conditions in Lamb to the slaughter. We found that it was much different to The speckled band mostly because it was set in a different time to The speckled band. Whereas in The speckled band it was set in the nineteenth century, Lamb to the slaughter was set in the twentieth century, and the family was a middle class. You knew this because they lived in a normal sized house in a normal neighbourhood with a local green grocer and Patrick Maloney was a police detective. Mr and Mrs Maloney would have shared their own room whereas in The speckled band each person had their separate room. Although the Maloneys are middle class they still had a bit of money. You can tell this because they go out every Thursday and they have plenty of food in the house, also Patrick drinks whiskey, which is quite expensive.  If youre too tired to eat out, she went on, its still not too late. There is plenty of meat and stuff in the freezer.  Dr Roylott is very clever because he knows how to hide the evidence from linking him to Julias death but Jack is also clever as he is a detective and has been for some years. Mr and Mrs Maloney are very sociable people because they are known throughout the neighbourhood. The local green grocer, Sam, knows them. Hullo Sam, she said brightly, smiling at the man behind the counter.  You also know that they are very sociable because when Mrs Maloney has murdered Patrick and the police men come she knows them and they treat her really nice because they know each other. This is nothing like The speckled band because Dr Roylott is very unsociable. Patrick Maloney is smartly dressed because of his job, he dresses in a suit which was smart for when the story is set. You dont know how Mrs Maloney is dressed because it doesnt describe her but I expect she would be dressed quite smartly. This is a similarity to The speckled band because all the characters are dressed smartly.  There was a lot of suspense in The speckled band all the way the story. The first dose of major suspense is when Helen stoner has only just left Holmes place after telling about Dr Roylott and Julias death and the doctor walks in furiously. He bursts in the door uninvited and starts to bellow at Holmes asking about what Helen has been telling him. Holmes just keeps cool and laughs at him when he is calling him. There is suspense here because Dr Roylott is being very violent and aggressive and you dont know what he is going to do. You are asking yourself is going to hit Sherlock Holmes with his hunting crop? You dont know what he is going to do so while you reading the story you are on the edge of your seat.  What has she been saying to you? screamed the old man furiously.  Ha you put me off, do you? said our new visitor, taking a step forward, and shaking his hunting crop. I know you scoundrel! I have heard of you before. You are Holmes the meddler.  My friend smiled.  This is a very tense section of the story because you just dont have a clue what he is going to do.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Customer Satisfaction in the Singapore Hotel Industry

Customer Satisfaction in the Singapore Hotel Industry Introduction Hotel is one of the most important organizations in the field of tourism industry in providing service. Therefore, they play a full role in improving and expanding the tourism industry and also in improving and developing economic circumstance. Today, customer satisfaction is a specific requirement for the improvement of service organizations such as hotels, and increase profitability. Thereby maintaining the system of measurement and evaluation of customer satisfaction is one of the most important aspects of improving the quality, but the basic needs of the recent organization. On the other hand, by expanding the borders of the global village, the need for only standard regulations to assess the quality of certain products and services, is to measure the situation of the organizations in the international market competition, may be felt more than ever Study background Customer satisfaction is a business philosophy, is a measure of how products and services offered by a company meet or exceed customer expectations. It is considered an important indicator of performance in business and is part of four of the Balanced Scorecard. Customer satisfaction with a companys products or service is often seen as the key to a companys success and long term competitiveness (Klee, 1998). Identify and forecast customer demands and to be able to meet them is important to achieve customer satisfaction. Due to the costs of attracting new customers costs more than retaining existing customers, to be successful managers must focus on retaining existing customers, effective implementation of policies Customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is especially true in the hotel industry. Today, managers in the hotel industry is facing one of the most important challenge is to provide and maintain customer satisfaction. Consequently, quality of service has become a factor important in the overall tourism experience, and one which ultimately dictates the success of the tourism business (Kandampully, 2000). According to Lewis and Booms (1982), service quality is measure of how well the service delivered matches customer expectations. Positive relationships can make higher commitment of customers and increase their rate of return. Long-term relationships between customers and hotel is becoming more important as the positive correlation between overall satisfaction levels of visitors and their ability to return to the same hotel. Hotels are increasing their investments to improve service quality and perceived value for customers to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty better of them, thus achieving a better relationship with customers. Competition is increasing dramatically as variety of hotel industry; hence, the hotel management has always tried hard to provide the best service quality and the best satisfaction for customers in the hotel industry including hotels in Singapore. Study area This report covers of the main literature on customer satisfaction and retention in the hotel industry in Singapore. The hypothesis of the report will research based on the issues of the customer satisfaction and how a hotel management use effective policies to providing services and goods with a high quality to satisfy the customers and go through a lot of effort in maintaining their customer satisfaction, develop and make profits in their business focusing on Singapore area. Research structure The report focus mainly on Customer satisfaction emphasize on the area of hotel industry in Singapore. First chapter introduces background of the Customer satisfaction and briefly summarized importance of relevant issues. Second chapter identifies customer satisfaction in the hotel industry, purpose applying the best strategies to provide quality services to customer, reasons why need to maintain old customers and attract new customers. How to build customer loyalty, hotel attributes what services to customers and the legal regulations, strategic considerations will be explained. And fourth chapter concludes the best methods to proposing improvements in customer satisfaction management in the hotel industry. Research objectives The aims and objectives of this research are: What is customer satisfaction and how to achieve it? Hotels need to adopt effective strategies and create product attributes to customers to satisfy them. How the service quality related to customer satisfaction? Provide good service quality will gain customer satisfaction. Definition of customer loyalty and how to remain customer loyalty? To gain customer loyalty, hotel needs to have a good relationship with customers. What services quality is hotel need to provide to customer in order to get customer satisfaction, loyalty and repeat patronage? Cleanliness, location, security, room rates, service quality and reputation or chain of hotels. CHAPTER 2 / LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Introduction of main issues In todays competitive market, the company provides services throughout the world effort to achieve a better position than its competitors through the only advantage to please their customers satisfaction and therefore retain their loyalty. On the other hand, customers are always looking for suppliers of goods and services of better quality and meet their expectations. But most vendors are now providing quality products with relatively equal, so customers always have multiple choices Therefore, in the hotel industry, considering the quality of service and customer satisfaction is very important, so it is necessary to adopt appropriate measures and procedures for recognition and improvement many services as possible to meet the hotel guests and customers. Analyze Customer satisfaction in hotel industry Customer satisfaction is an important topic for both researchers and managers, because of high levels of customer satisfaction leads to an increase in repeat patronage among current customers and aids customer recruitment by enhancing an organizations marker reputation. Being able to successfully judge customer satisfaction levels and to apply that knowledge are critical starting points to establishing and maintaining long term customer retention and long term competitiveness (Yuksel and Yuksel, 2002). Customer satisfaction brings many benefits, the satisfaction increases of customers retentions and customers retentions is dependent on the nature of the relationship between the parties which are also affected by the service delivered. Satisfaction is an overall customer attitude towards a service provider, or an emotional reaction to the difference between what customers anticipate and what they receive (Zineldin, 2000), regarding the fulfilment of some need, goal or desire. For most products, services and aspects of performance can be made to reflect objectively measured. Some customers may be taken to a house fit their criteria, but not suitable to the taste of individual customers to assess customer service as uncomfortable as they do not see a list of their choice. Kano, Bentler and Li-tze (1984) developed a model to categorize the attributes of a product or service based on how well they are able to satisfy customer needs. Consideration of the Kano model, we can see how it might not be enough to just satisfy customers by meeting their needs and performance basis only. In a highly competitive marketplace, organizations need to adopt strategies and to create product attributes targeted specifically at exciting customers and over satisfying them (Tan Pawitra, 2001). In the real estate to please and satisfy customers, agents will need to have a comprehensive knowledge and extensive list of all the local area. In essence, it is the experience and attitudes of individuals closest contact with customers that are likely to affect whether customers are satisfied and ready to go back to the company. It is also the people in direct contact with customers who determine who the retained and satisfied customers are, and their experience determines how they treat the customers (Hansemark Albinsson, 2004) thus impacting on the service quality delivered Advantages of providing good Service quality to customers The concept of service quality as a whole building is large and diverse. The theory has been elaborated on by many researchers. Berry, Parasuraman and Zeithaml (1985) write service quality as perceived by consumers stems from a comparison of what they feel service firms should offer with their perception of the performance of the firm providing the services. . Quality of service received is considered as the degree and direction of the difference between the perceptions of consumers. For example in real estate, this is what customers expect from the agent compare to which is actually distributed by that agent. In real estate, that interaction occurs from the moment the client and agent speak either verbally or electronically. It is evident that research on goods quality is inadequate in the service field, which has three inherent characteristics: intangibility, heterogeneity and inseparability between production and consumption (Berry, Parasuraman and Zeithmal, 1985). In this scenario, providing high quality services and improving customer satisfaction are widely recognized as fundamental factors boosting the performances of companies in the hotel and tourism industry (Barsky Labagh, 1992; Le Blanc, 1992,; Le Blanc et al., 1996; Stevens et al., 1995, Opermann, 1998). Hotels with good service quality will ultimately improve their profitability (Oh Parks, 1997). In a competitive hospitality industry which offers homogeneous services, individual hoteliers must be able to satisfy costumers better than their counterparts (Choi Chou, 2001). Strategies to maintain customer Loyalty There are three ways to determine customer loyalty that are Behavioural measurements, attitudinal measurement, and Composite measurements The measurements considered appropriate behaviour; buying behaviour is repeated as an indicator of loyalty. One problem with the approach to repeat purchase behaviour is not always the result of a psychological commitment to the brand. For example, a traveller can stay at the hotel because it is most convenient place. When a new hotel opens on the street, they switch because the new hotel offers better value. Therefore, repeat purchase does not always mean that commitment. Attitude measurement use attitudinal data to reflect the attitudes and psychological feelings associated inherent in loyalty. The attitudinal measurements are concerned with the sense of participation, loyalty and faithfulness. There are instances when a customer holding a favourable attitude for a hotel, but he or she does not stay at the hotel. One can appreciate a hotel, recommend the hotel to others, but feel the hotel for him too expensive to use on a regular basis. The above approaches measure loyalty uni dimensionally. Composite measurements of loyalty combine the first two dimensions and measure loyalty by customers product preferences, propensity of brand switching, frequency of purchase, regency of purchase and total amount of purchase. The use of both attitude and behaviour in a loyalty definition substantially increases the predictive power of loyalty (Pritchard and Howard, 1997). Two-dimensional composite method has been applied and supported as a valuable tool for understanding customer loyalty in many fields, such as retail, entertainment, luxury hotels and airlines. For this study, customer loyalty is customer attitude favourable to the company, committed to purchase products or services, and introduce products to them. According to a survey carried out by Barsky Nash in 2006, regarding the main hotel chains worldwide, between 2002 and 2005, the importance of loyalty programs for guests decision on where to stay increased from 32% to 34%. Although the search for new locations is certainly the most important factor for many tourists, several studies highlighted that there is a good portion of customers that chose to repeat their holidays destination, showing a certain degree of loyalty (Oppermann, 1998; Fyall et al., 2003). According to the study of loyalty found that, there are five major factors affecting the repetition of trip to the same tourist place. They do not want to make wrong choice when choosing the other tourist destinations. They want to meet those familiar. The emotional affection to a specific place. The possibility to explore the place better, and want to recommend the place to others. Customer satisfaction is the starting point to build customer loyalty, so a long term relationship. This creates a loyaltys stock in enterprises to improve corporate image. Strengthening relationships with customers leads to repeat patronage. On the other hand, an unsatisfied customer may represent a danger to the enterprise. A research, conducted by Cherubini (1997), shows that only 4% of unsatisfied customers complains to the business explaining the reason of their unsatisfaction, and each client who doesnt officially complain generates a negative WOM which can involve also 1000 people. Important role of Hotel attributes Research into hotel selection criteria has focused on the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality of services and facilities. Because of the intangibility, inseparability, variability, and perishables of service, consumers perception of satisfaction criteria may include contextual cues that they use to evaluate the service quality and to make decisions about future patronage, whether or not they experienced the hotels products and services before (Bitner, 1990; Parasuraman et al., 1985). Alpert (1971 and Kivela (1996) viewed consumer product and services as a bundle of attributes, or features, and benefits, and stated that those attributes that directly influence consumer choice are termed determinant attributes. These attributes, which may be different from competitors services, may be important factors in determinant consumers intention to purchase in the future. Wuest et al. (1996) defined perceptions of hotel attributes as the degree to which travellers find various services and facilities important in promoting their satisfaction with hotel stays. To get loyalty and value than other competitors, suppliers must be able to achieve a high level of customer satisfaction for services provided. There have been many studies on the needs and characteristics of tourists. Reviews of literature that most travellers would consider following hotel attributes when giving the hotel choice decision: cleanliness, location, security, room rates, service quality and reputation or chain of hotels. Atkinson (1988_ found that cleanliness of accommodation, followed by safety and security, accommodation value for money, and courtesy and helpfulness of staff were the top attributes for travellers in hotel choice selection. Hoteliers need to fully acknowledge which service attributes are most likely to influence customers choice intentions (Richard Sundaram, 1993). Customer satisfaction practices can help them to identify the crucial favorable word of mouth (WOM) publicity (Berkman Gilson, 1986; Choi Chu, 2001; Fornell, 1992; Halstead Page, 1992; Knutson, 1988; Pizam, 1994). A satisfied guest promotes positive WOM at no cost for the enterprise and with effect and credibility that are superior to those of conventional advertising (Lee et al., 2006, Tarn, 2005, Villanueva et al., 2008). WOM effect is also amplified by the World Wide Web (Dominici, 2009; Trusov et al. 2009). CHAPTER 3 / CONCLUSION 3.0 Conclusions Hence, both exploring the importance for customers of single attributes in hotel selection and to systematically survey their level of satisfaction are indispensable. Research on the topic of guests leads to negative evaluations of the hotel, thus restricting the chance of repeat patronage guest satisfaction, which translates into the consideration of whether or not customers will return to a hotel or advice it to other tourists, is pivotal to the success of the hospitality business. Neglecting to pay attention to those hotel attributes considered most important by. CHAPTER 4 / REFERENCES

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Internet Gambling, Online Gambling :: Journalistic Essays

Online Gambling    There is a major issue to be dealt with, which is spreading with little regulatory oversight and no effective screens against participation by the young and the vulnerable.   Internet gambling represents one of the fastest growing segments of online activity with more than seven hundred web sites now providing users the opportunity to wager everything from casino games to sporting events.   According to internet research firms, the industry will pull in $1.5 billion in world-wide revenues this year.   That figure is expected to hit at least $6 billion by 2006.   Also, a survey conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project concluded that $4.5 million Americans have gambled online and that 1 million gamble online everyday.     Ã‚  Ã‚   There are many different issues dealing with the legalization of online gambling.   The current law dealing with online gambling is the Wire Transfer Act of 1961.   Under this statute, the law is violated when telephone lines are used in interstate or foreign commerce to place wagers.   The statute also bars the transmission of information that assists betters to gamble on sports events and contests.   Recently, Congress have been active in seeking to pass further legislation to restrict betting on the web.   Last November, the Senate proposed the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act.   This statute would make it a crime to knowingly use the internet or other interactive computer services to place, receive, or otherwise make a bet or wager; or send, receive, or invite information assisting in the placing of a bet or wager.   Penalties would be as high as $20,000 and 4 years in prison.   However, in a vote in July, the bill narrowly missed obtaining the two t hirds majority required to pass the bill.   In May, the Unlawful Internet Gambling Funding Prohibition Act was introduced.   This statute would criminalize and prohibit any person engaged in a gambling business from knowingly accepting from another person who is involved in internet gambling a credit card or extension of credits, an electronic transfer of funds, or any instrument payable through a financial institution.   This would shield certain financial institutions from liability as long as they do not know that their facilities are being used for online gambling.   This bill has also not yet been passed.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Either of these Acts would greatly help the problems of online gambling.   There are a number of reasons why this booming industry should provoke more concern among policy makers.

Friday, October 11, 2019


Good morning! I hope all of you are doing well today! My name is Ethan Saye; I’m from Pilot Point Texas which is North of Dallas, this year I will to be in 9th grade at Aubrey High School. I’m a member of the Aubrey FFA and a proud member of the JBBA. This morning I will be speaking on My Favorite of the Six Essentials that Tom Lasater insisted on being the requirements concerning the Beefmaster cattle.Although I like the Beefmaster Breed for their Fertility, Weight, Milking Ability, Conformation, and Disposition, my favorite of the six essentials is the hardiness of this breed. Allow me tell you why I like this ability: for one reason they adapt easily to just about all climates including extremely hot and cold weather, they also do well in dry and wet climates.They adapt so easily they are found in the US, Mexico, Both Central America and South America, Australia and Africa as well. There are not a lot of breeds that can be so adaptable to so many types of climates. T his means that the Beefmaster breed can be raised globally. It also means as the world climate changes due to global warming the Beefmaster will be able to adapt easily and do a good job for their purpose, whether it is for milking, for meat, breeding, showing or just enjoying a good bull ride.The Beefmaster breed will survive and strive for many years to come and any beefmaster rancher would proud to say he owns a herd. Even though beefmasters will strive this does not mean that all other life will. With saying that I hope I have convinced you that we the people need to have a part with lowering pollution. I will one day on my own herd, because of the hardiness of the beefmaster breed, so that I may be able to carry on this wonderful breed and be able to prosper as well.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Teachers weren’t teachers at all Essay

Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotesTeachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotesTeachers weren’t teachers at all Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes Teachers weren’t teachers at all. Teachers plays a major role for making a students future bright and progressive. They teaches us to write, count and read, they guide and enhance our learning skills. These weren’t always the things a teacher do. Because teachers weren’t teachers at all. Very often, we fail to show our appreciation and gratitude for their devotion. Teachers do need encouragement and support to feel that their efforts re recognized. World Teachers Day celebrated every October 5 aims to let each teachers in the world to know their worth. We thank our teachers for giving us their invaluable guidance. A day every year to celebrate is nothing compared their lifetime teaching us so many things. Books and references wasn’t always their basis of teaching. But sharing their life experiences and faults became our basis on what ways and steps to take in the future. On how a teacher applies her effort just to make sure each students will learn from her. Celebration of Teachers Day is considered to be the best opportunity for all the students to show their appreciation to their teachers. By giving colorful flowers, greeting cards with touchy messages and quotes