Friday, October 18, 2019

Controversial Planning Decisions Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Controversial Planning Decisions - Case Study Example This shift has created tremendous ramifications for the governance of environmental matters. In this new philosophy, governance of environmental matters is reconceptualised in terms of ‘networks’ and ‘associations’ with which the government has to parley, so as to be effective and gain the favour and support of the citizens and the related stakeholders. As a result, planning decisions made by the government without consulting the relevant stakeholders and policymakers are considered controversial regardless of their intended objectives (Newig and Fritsch, 2009). This system of governance is usually very problematic because even though the government is required by law to make the public and the relevant stakeholders and policymakers aware of its objectives to review their development plans and consult using conferences and documented avenue, citizen and stakeholder involvement in planning decisions pertaining to the environment remains negligible (Callanan, 2005; Flynn, 2003) In the contemporary world, planning decisions pertaining to the environment are accompanied by a myriad of controversial issues. Controversial issues pertaining to environmental planning decisions usually revolve around fairness, ethics, and the manner in which evidence is used in coming up with environmental decisions and regulations. In the UK, current controversial environmental planning decisions manifest themselves in two events which are going to be critically examined in this paper. The first event is the decision, which was made by the UK’s Secretary of State, declared that thirty two hectares of an ancient woodland be wiped out to enable the expansion of an existing rag-stone mine. . The second thing is the revelations that were identified in a meeting that was held by representatives from the UK Business Council for Sustainable Development to deliberate on issues pertaining to environmentally sustainable development.  Ã‚  

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